So, we thought this year we would take Coleton and his friends to a movie for his friends party! We decided to see Ice Age. So, around 2:30 I started out on my way to pick everyone up. By the time I got a few kids I found out why Mrs. Fisher said that they were by far the smallest class by they were also by far the loudest! It was really fun to listen in on what they were catching up on and what they thought they all needed to share! I really learned alot by the drive over! We made it to the movies with plenty of time to spare and we got settled in the top row, got out glasses on and I started passing out drinks. I has a smart idea by bringing drinks and bowls and getting the refillable popcorn (always trying to save a buck) which worked out really well until in the first few second of having their bowl it got knock over and I had to start all over:) It must not just be the boys because when I went to refill it I knocked half the bucket all over the counter and the floor ( I am blaming the butter) anyhow the lady who was helping me was less than helpful and was ready to let me clean the whole mess up when the manager came up and cleaned it up for me! The movie was good but some of the jokes that were throwen in just for the adults where chought by the kids...maybe a little more suttle next time:) I was sure I was going to get questioned on some of them but the boys seemed have their handle on it! I was glad that their was only a few other people in there with us:)
We made it though the movie then went back to our house for dinner, gifts, cake and playing! I think that we could have just done the playing and they would have all been happy! They had a great time and after it was done I was glad that I didn't have five boys to take care of all day every day! They are all great kids and it was really fun to see just how different they all are! All in all is went really well! A great day:)
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